Setup Development Environment

Here you will learn how to setup your development environment for icehrm

Clone the IceHrm repo

$ git clone

Check prerequisites

You will be more productive when using vagrant for your development environment

Install Virtual Box

Please download and install virtual box for your platform from here:

Install Vagrant

Instructions for installing vagrant

Then we need to install vagrant host updater plugin

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater

Build Frontend Assets

Icehrm has two pakage.json files. Once under the root and the other one under /web directory. NPM should run on both locations

$ npm install
$ cd web
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ npm install -g gulp-cli
$ gulp

Add Development Configuration

Create file icehrm/app/config.php

$protocol = $_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"] ? : 'http';
define('CLIENT_NAME', 'icehrm');

// ------- Vagrant ---------
ini_set('error_log', '/vagrant/app/data/icehrm.log');
define('APP_BASE_PATH', '/vagrant/core/');
define('CLIENT_BASE_PATH', '/vagrant/app/');

define('APP_DB', 'icehrm');
define('APP_USERNAME', 'dev');
define('APP_PASSWORD', 'dev');
define('APP_HOST', 'localhost');
define('APP_CON_STR', 'mysqli://'.APP_USERNAME.':'.APP_PASSWORD.'@'.APP_HOST.'/'.APP_DB);
// ----------------------------

//file upload
define('FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,jpeg');
define('MAX_FILE_SIZE_KB', 10 * 1024);

Start Vagrant

The pre-built IceHrm vagrant box contains php 7.3 / nginx and MySQL 5.7 installed. Nginx configurations are loaded from icehrm/deployment/vagrant

$ vagrant up

Then navigate to http://icehrm.os and login with credentails, admin / admin

Last updated

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