Manual Installation

If you encountered any issues with automated installation please follow these steps to manually configure icehrm on your server.

Download and Extract IceHrm Latest Release

  1. If you are using icehrm opensource version download it from ( Make sure to download the release .zip or .gz file (e.g :

  2. If you have purchased icehrm pro, you can find installation directory inside the files you have downloaded after purchase.

  3. Extract icerm to public web directory root on your web server for now we assume it to be (/var/www/)

Creating MySQL Database

Login to your mysql installation and create a database and a user for icehrm

mysql> create database icehrm;
mysql> create user 'icehrm_user'@'localhost' identified by 'icehrm_pwd';
mysql> grant all on icehrm.* to 'icehrm_user'@'localhost';

Then execute icehrm database scripts on newly created mysql database via console or phpmyadmin.

The two files you need to execute can be found in icehrm installation directory (assuming it to be /var/www/icehrm)

  1. /var/www/icehrm/scripts/icehrmdb.sql

  2. /var/www/icehrm/scripts/icehrm__master__data.sql

mysql> use icehrm;
mysql> source /var/www/icehrm/scripts/icehrmdb.sql
mysql> source /var/www/icehrm/scripts/icehrm_master_data.sql

Creating Configuration File

Inside <icehrm>/app/ directory you will find:


ini_set('error_log', '_LOG_');
define('APP_NAME', 'Ice Framework');
define('FB_URL', 'Ice Framework');
define('TWITTER_URL', 'Ice Framework');
define('CLIENT_NAME', '_CLIENT_');
define('APP_DB', '_APP_DB_');
define('APP_HOST', '_APP_HOST_');
define('APP_CON_STR', 'mysqli://'.APP_USERNAME.':'.APP_PASSWORD.'@'.APP_HOST.'/'.APP_DB);
//file upload
define('FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,jpeg');
define('MAX_FILE_SIZE_KB', 10 * 1024);
//Home Links
define('HOME_LINK_ADMIN', CLIENT_BASE_URL."?g=admin&n=dashboard&m=admin_Admin");
define('HOME_LINK_OTHERS', CLIENT_BASE_URL."?g=modules&n=dashboard&m=module_My_Account");

Rename this file to config.php and start updating it.

You may change app name and social media urls to your company social media accounts:

define('APP_NAME', 'Ice Framework');
define('FB_URL', 'Ice Framework');
define('TWITTER_URL', 'Ice Framework');
define('CLIENT_NAME', '_CLIENT_');

So above section can be changed to:

By default CLIENT_NAME should be app

define('APP_NAME', 'IceHrm - Your Company Name');
define('FB_URL', '');
define('TWITTER_URL', '');
define('CLIENT_NAME', 'app');

For updating urls you need to know the absolute path of your icehrm installation and url to your icehrm installation.

For an example we assume path to icehrm is : /var/www/icehrm/ and icehrm web url to be then paths and urls should be updated as below.

define('APP_BASE_PATH', '/var/www/icehrm/core/');
define('CLIENT_BASE_PATH', '/var/www/icehrm/app/');

If you are using windows note that all the path should be specified with forward slash


define('APP_BASE_PATH', 'C:/xampp/htdocs/icehrm/core/');

Then you can update the database configurations as shown below:

define('APP_DB', 'icehrm');
define('APP_USERNAME', 'icehrm_user');
define('APP_PASSWORD', 'icehrm_pwd');
define('APP_HOST', 'localhost');

If you would like to upload files larger than 10MB you can update MAX_FILE_SIZE_KB config.

Last updated

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