Basic Settings
Global Settings
Company: Name
Name of the company
Company: Logo
Company logo. You may upload the company logo here. Ideally should be 200px wide and height between 50px to 150 px.
Company: Description
A short description about the company. Will be used mainly in recruitment module
Email: Enable
Set this to "No" to disable all outgoing emails from modules. Value "Yes" will enable outgoing emails
Email Settings
Configuring Email with SMTP
Email: Mode
This should be set to SMTP
Email: SMTP Host
If you are using local machine to send emails, set this to localhost. If not set the IP address of the server you are using to send emails
Email: SMTP Authentication
Set this to "Yes" if SMTP server authorization is enabled
Email: SMTP User
User name of the SMTP user
Email: SMTP Password
SMTP user password
Email: SMTP Port
Port configured in SMTP server (Default 25)
Email: Email From
From email address (e.g
Configuring Email with Amazon SES
Email: Mode
This should be set to SES
Email: Amazon SES Key
Amazon access key Id (You can get this through AWS console)
Email: Amazone SES Secret
Amazon access key secret
Email: Email From
Authorized email address for sending emails through SES
Configuring Email with Gmail
Email: Mode
This should be set to SMTP
Email: SMTP Host
Email: SMTP Authentication
Email: SMTP User
Email: SMTP Password
Gmail password
Email: SMTP Port
Email: Email From
Developer Settings
System: Do not pass JSON in request
Select Yes if you are having trouble loading data for some tables
System: Reset Modules and Permissions
When this is set to “Yes” IceHrm will reset all values given in System->Permissions module. This setting can be used to reload permissions after adding new permissions to module meta.json file
System: Add New Permissions
Add new permissions without resetting modules
System: Debug Mode
Print debug log messages
Other Settings
Leave: Share Calendar to Whole Company
If "Yes" all the employees of company can see other peoples' leave schedules. If set to "No" only admins and supervisors will be able to see leave schedule of subordinates
Leave: CC Emails
Every email sent though leave module will be CC to these comma seperated list of emails addresses
Leave: BCC Emails
Every email sent though leave module will be BCC to these comma seperated list of emails addresses
Attendance: Time-sheet Cross Check
Only allow users to add an entry to a timesheet only if they have marked atteandance for the selected period
Recruitment: Show Quick Apply
Show quick apply button when candidates are applying for jobs. Quick apply allow candidates to apply with minimum amount of information
Recruitment: Show Apply
Show apply button when candidates are applying for jobs
Last updated
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